Is It Good To Give Goat Milk To A Baby Or Child?

Goat Milk To A Baby

There has been a trend in other countries to look for alternatives to cow’s milk and use different milk types such as rice milk, oat milk, soy milk, or goat milk. The kabrita goat milk formula is a return to the natural and rural. I’m sure many of our parents and grandparents grew up with goat milk as part of their staple diet.

Goat milk production has made a comeback thanks to the appearance of new products on the European market that seek a healthier and more balanced nutritional composition. Products such as yogurts, cheeses, or infant formulas for babies based on goat’s milk are increasingly used in our diets.

The truth is that kabrita goat milk formula is a milk that is increasingly popular among doctors and dieticians. For a good reason, it has many benefits, so we will list them below, in addition to explaining at what age it is best to give it to children.

Goat milk is milk that has many benefits and is, in fact, one of the healthiest milk for health. First of all, in terms of composition, it is more similar to breast milk (its design is similar to 50%). Hence, many mothers consider giving it to their babies when they stop breastfeeding from starting taking other foods. Also, goat’s milk provides many valuable nutrients: it is full of vitamins A1, B1, B2, PP, or even vitamin C. It is also an exciting source of calcium and protein. Other benefits are:

  • EASY DIGESTION: Goat milk has proteins that are naturally easier to digest, as they have less as1-casein (a substance in charge of producing the rennet used in cheese making), making it gentler for your little one’s stomach.
  • NATURAL SOURCE OF NUCLEOTIDES: Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA that enhance the digestive system’s maturation.

Vitamins A and D, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc, in addition to macronutrients such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

  • GOOD TASTE: It has a delightful and delicious flavor, so the adaptation process in your little one can be faster.
  • LESS INFLAMMATION: Goat milk also contains A2 casein; it is not associated with inflammatory effects than cow’s milk, including A1 casein.
  • BETTER NUTRIMENTAL ABSORPTION: Key minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium are more easily absorbed.

With the above benefits, we may be thinking about the possibility of giving this milk to babies as an alternative to cow’s milk. Still, the truth is that experts recommend that we wait until the baby is at least twelve months old.

Goat milk has small amounts of specific vitamins, which are vital in infants, such as vitamin B12. Therefore, it is milk that can expose babies to a significant risk of deficiencies.

It should also be noted that if your baby is allergic to cow’s milk, it is not recommended to replace cow’s milk with goat’s milk, as the proteins in this milk remain similar to those in cow’s milk, which can also lead to the development of a cross-allergy. Again, this type of milk does not have the same characteristics, exposing your child to deficiencies.

Goat milk has benefits for both children and adults. Imagine how good it would be for the body to start from babies with this type of milk.